About us
The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to its members’ interests. It is the market leader for medical defence in the UK, with over 200,000 individual and healthcare provider members.
MDU Insurance Solutions is an MGA established as part of the MDU. As a trusted name in the healthcare sector, we’re working exclusively with insurance brokers within the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
About MDUConnect
MDU Insurance Solutions is a coverholder at Lloyd’s providing tailored insurance solutions for healthcare organisations. Our flagship product – MDUConnect – enables healthcare organisations to gain access to a potent blend of the MDU’s expert guidance, support and defence, and when concerns arise about patient care, a Lloyd’s of London insurance policy. MDUConnect is distributed exclusively via insurance brokers.
MDUConnect was designed with the perils facing private healthcare providers - including dental providers and others in the healthcare community – in mind. It includes the increasing risk that entities will be held vicariously liable for the actions of staff members. It is underwritten in Lloyd’s of London, the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance marketplace.
MDUConnect includes corporate MDU membership, which opens the door to a uniquely powerful range of guidance and support to help reduce risk.
About the MDU
The MDU is led and staffed by doctors and dentists with real-life experience of the pressures and challenges faced in practice. Their expertise and dedication explains why the MDU has such an exceptional track-record of helping individual and healthcare companies overcome the challenges that could threaten their livelihoods.
In short, with the MDU in your corner, your team can practise with confidence knowing we are on your side, and by your side.
Whilst the delivery of insurance-based indemnity may be new to the MDU, they are in a brilliant place to combine the benefits of discretionary support and contractual indemnity insurance.
James Hallam Insurance Brokers